Monday, June 17, 2013

Human Again... The End?

“Let me help you.” The girl bent over and helped me stand. I stared at her. I could smell her scent and hear her heart, but my thirst was gone. “You’re free now.”
“Not really.” I said slowly.
“Yes, you are. You’re human again.”
“Look at your hands.”
I glanced down. My hands were pink and warm. “I can still smell you.”
“But your thirst is gone, right?”
I nodded.
“You remembered that drinking blood was forbidden by God and he has honored your obedience. Something unknown, because it was untested, is if a vampire who has never tasted blood, kills the one who made it they will return to their human state, but will retain the heightened senses and skills you acquired with your transition.”
“How do you know this?”
“The One who created life sent me to you. He always provides a way out. Blood is life to Him. Vampires are cursed because they drink blood; no curse has ever rested on you. The lessons your father taught you growing up never left you. You left them because you believed yourself abandoned and cursed by God. Return to Him. He wants you back. He has a path for you, use your gifts to save others who are just as you were.” She turned to leave.
“If I’m human again, how am I going to be able to save more? I’ll die soon won’t I?”
“Another residual gift; you will die, but your life span is greatly increased. Find the others like you; help them become free. Fight this.”
I considered her for a moment and something occurred to me, but before I could ask my question she smiled and said, “You can never be a vampire again and neither can you be killed by the bite of one. It’s like having the chicken pox. You get it once and that’s it, you’ll never get it again. In fact, your blood is poisonous to them. I’m done here.” She paused and smiled, “Thank you, for not leaving me.” She left.
I stood there underneath that stupid light bulb trying to wrap my head around just happened. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath. I felt and heard my heart beating. It was the best feeling in the world.