Friday, August 3, 2012

*sigh* this world

Over two thousand years ago a man was declared a heretic and a threat to society. He was tried, beaten almost to death and then forced to carry the final instrument of torture that would result in his death to the place where they deemed this final act would take place. He committed no crime. In fact, all he did was question the moral compass of the day and lived his life by the law, but lived for the love he had for mankind and following the instructions of his teacher. His name translated to English is Jesus. He foretold the events of this day and age thousands of years ago. Then reminded us to not worry because these events must take place in order for the Glory of God to be revealed. He summed up the law of the prophets by saying, 'Love the Lord your God and serve Him only' and to 'Love your neighbor as yourself' there is so much more going on in this world than what has been in the media lately. Christian, little Christ, do not waver or stray from the path God has laid before you. Take everything to Him in prayer. Remember we are in the world not of the world. Our neighbor is everybody and they have His precious breath of life in their lungs as much as you do. Treat everyone with respect and pray for teachable moments and that you can address these moments in the same spirit that He did when He walked the earth. Proverbs 15:1 A kind word turns away wrath, but harsh words stir up anger. Stay strong in your faith, do not turn to the right or left. Don't be ashamed.
Everyone seems to be sticking to their guns when it comes to what they believe and want out of this life and society. Christians, because we feel threatened, will make allowances to try and smooth things over so we don't look like villains. What most people don't realize is that we aren't villains. We SEEM like it simply because we try to live our life by a set of rules that society dictates as judgmental. These rules do not bend or sway, but they lead to a very peaceful existence here on earth simply because we take all of our problems and issues to God and leave them at his feet. We ask that he finds anxious ways in us and that he leads us through them and once we have conquered them through Him we find more strength and peace. A TRUE Christian will lend a helping hand to any and everyone. We find SIN despicable not the people involved in them. A person is a person and they are created in God's image as much as the next person. God loves every man woman and child on this planet, but not all of us love him. He gave us this choice. I can't live your life for you, but I know what has happened to me since I became a Christian and I would love for you to experience the same peace and happiness, but I can't make that choice for you. We are both members of the human race. We were designed with a purpose and created in love. We choose our lives on earth. Christian's only want to share what we know, not judge you because of who you chose to be. There is a difference.
Now there are those who use the name of Christ to serve their own agenda. How can you tell the difference? If they sound like pushy hate mongers and use phrases like 'You're something something this  because something something that' or 'God hates you because of this and that and no hope for you' or 'if you live like this than you're better off that.' Please do not define Christian's by those who spread hate and fear. A Christian will give you the shirt off their back before you smack them in the face and the shoe's off their feet after that.