Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday the 26th

Nothing to entirely special about today's post. I was going to post 'Part D' of Human Again, but I decided to actually write something instead. I want to write about something. However, my mind is not too entirely vexed about one issue or the other. I'm glad spring has sprung and that I'm loosing the weight from three pregnancies in a slow and steady fashion. Although that does get frustrating sometimes. You see when you are exercising to loose weight and you are female you have this biological issue... you are a woman. Women's bodies are designed to hold onto fat storage in order to better protect our reproductive systems and if we are preggers than the unborn fetus as well. So in fact loosing weight for a woman is a major issue. Ok this is great! I found something to blog about today! Yes! I knew If I rambled on for a bit I'd find something.

Why is this frustrating? Well the biggest contributor is that everywhere we look all of our advertising are airbrushed models that are probably about 10 pounds underweight (men this also happens to you) So we want to look like broom poles with speed bumps and this is not a healthy thing to aspire to. The second contributing factor is that all this fluffy adipose that hugs our curvy frames weighs less than the muscles that define it. So when exercise is introduced the muscles plump and the adipose gets used up. HOWEVER, the process, if being preformed properly, takes time. I'm three months into doing zumba on a regular basis, even with interval training between cardio and toning, my weight has only dropped between 5 to 10 pounds on any given day. At least it's dropped and hanging steady. However, my legs and arms and shoulders and face, even my feet feel stronger and look better. My clothes are fitting loosely and much more comfortably and I feel better day after day. However, my belly fat, what I'm REALLY trying to get rid of, has a death grip on my mid section and won't let go.

This is the single most frustrating thing. But perseverance is the word of the day/week/month/year. Because of exercising all of the work I've done on my mental and emotional health through the grace of God is beginning to really show. I had a physical imbalance because of the lack of activity in my life, but now I'm more balanced and in fact if I don't Zumba during the day than I have all kinds of extra energy at night making it hard to go to sleep. Sleeping is a key component in loosing weight. If your body recovers and rests the way it needs than it will function properly in helping shed all that nasty belly fat that has embedded itself around my midsection. If only it was like a zit. I could pop it and loose all the icky white stuff let it heal and then finish the product by keeping up with my Zumba fun stuff. (Sorry for the mental image, remember I'm typing as things come to me)

In truth I have every motivation to keep going. My kids have an improved mommy who is more willing to go outside and play/teach how to ride bikes/ etc etc... and my husband is enjoying getting 'the woman he married' back. Not that my physical appearance was hindering anything, because it wasn't, but it's such a motivator when he comes home and the first thing he does is check me out. It's great! Not to mention that he actually verbalized how proud of me he was for me sticking with it. Sometimes... sometimes it's the little things in this life that make the biggest differences.

So death gripped belly fat be hanged! Zumba and soon to be integrated into my routine Pilates, we shall be victorious! Now everyone go and eat some cucumbers or apples or celery or chocolate. Maybe some wine. Why? Because I enjoy these things without feeling like I can eat this or I can't eat that. I just crave the better for my body things in life now. I never even set out to diet.... just exercise. Why only exercise and not the diet? Well, in my experience diets are full of 'I can't' and exercise is about saying 'I can' Plus once your body begins to function more along the way it was designed to then it's going to want what is best for it. Things like fresh veggies and fruits, leaner meats and whole grains, not to mention dark chocolate and red wine, which are good for your heart just don't over do it. These foods are what I want now. Don't get me wrong bacon cheeseburgers are still amazing. So are french fries, I just don't want them as often as I used to.

Please ignore all the grammatical and possible spelling errors. This was a 'just type what I want' post. Hate me all you want. This is how my mind was working and this is what you are getting today, my rough draft. I have apple pie to bake for my grandfather who is visiting this weekend so I'm going to go do that now since I make everything, including the crust, from scratch. Ta ta for now. Thanks for possibly reading this and paying a small amount of attention to my barely there blog.

Don't be Silent


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