Monday, April 23, 2012

Necro- Preface

In the year 2020 Earth made first contact with other worlders. Their name was unpronounceable in any language except their own. We called them Healers. A peaceful race dedicated to the development of medicines through synthetic and natural remedies. They traveled from planet to planet curing all diseases they came into contact with using their synthetics and herbs found on the host planet. We accepted them with open arms and minds. Within five years all disease was gone save one, cancer. All their efforts became focused on eradicating the slow killer.
Ten years later their research died along with three quarters of their test subjects. In their efforts to end all sickness on Earth they created a super virus so lethal that it killed every medicine and remedy they tried. Their last resort was to bring medicines from other planets in to try and kill it; this only fueled the virus. It mutated and twisted itself so that even the most experienced one of their doctors struggled to find an explanation for it.
Humans died at all stages of life. However, newborn babies up until the age of two showed no signs of the virus. The Healers were so awed by their resilience to the virus that they spent three decades studying why, there was no explanation, once the babies turned two they became carriers as well.
It was so terrible and so deadly that they called it the Necro Virus, meaning simply death. The virus would lay dormant for any amount of time. People could live their entire life and die in their golden years, while some would die on the playgrounds at school. It didn’t matter who you were or how old you were, when it took its full form it was only a matter of moments before the body lay dead. It was violent and painful. Deaths were so common, that even children were not fazed when they saw someone in its grasp. 

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