Friday, April 27, 2012

Intolerance within Christianity

I just read an article that is becoming more and more prevalent as the years swiftly pass by. The main point is basically this, Christians are intolerant. Ok, I'll give you that, but what are we intolerant about? Not what everyone pins on us.

I am intolerant of sin. I am intolerant of evil. I am intolerant of selfish reasons for ignoring those more in need than we are. Now what am I accused of being intolerant of as a Christian. The list is long and brutal, but increasingly more and more people are just plain upset that we believe marriage should be between a man and a woman and that waiting to have sex until marriage is best. In a nutshell, sanctity of marriage and purity. Man I'm such a bad person.

Now, will I judge you/treat you differently if I find that you are homosexual or haven't waited until marriage to turn in your 'v-card'? No. Why? Well, the bible clearly teaches us to love the sinner and hate the sin and to pray for those who persecute/do not tolerate us. Really? Yes. Jesus did not go to the priests and teachers of the law. They knew the law and they knew how to use it to their advantage, which was in direct violation of the law itself, but they did it anyway because it made them rich and prestigious. Jesus ate and talked with tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers, etc etc, people who were rejected and hated by society because Christ knew that their hearts were longing to be filled and the only way they could be was with the love of the God the Father.

Society now a days wants to worship one god and that is ourselves and we do not want to be told that we are wrong. The bible even foretells all these things. Thousands of years have passed and yet all that it says still holds true. Christ said we are to be hated because of him and we are. If you are a Christian reading this embrace that intolerance and hatred of us. It's part and parcel of who we are and what we accepted when we prayed and told the Lord that we would serve him only. Be glad and rejoice.


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