Thursday, August 29, 2013

Syria... seriously!

This will be a relatively short post. As an american citizen it is hard to see what goes on in the rest of the world because we are so absorbed in what we are doing in our own little corner of it. Most people do not understand international politics. Fortunately, my sister keeps up to date on things of that nature, she is a history buff past and present and possible future. However, our current president, Barak Obama, is pushing to strike a blow at a country for a chemical weapons strike that was preformed against it's own citizen. No one is 100% sure which side launched the weapon and it shouldn't really matter. The country is in the middle of a civil war. We should not be involved, but since we have already supplied weapons to the rebels we technically are. I was not for that move. I'm VERY MUCH so opposed to this one. I have contacted my representative from my congressional district and voiced my negative response to the possible strike against Syria as have MANY people in the US. No one here wants another war. We were promised, I did not vote for our current president, by this man that he would remove our presence from the Middle East, now we are sending more troops because this 'anti-war' president wants war. Please, those who read this from other countries, note the majority of the American populace do not... DO NOT want war. If we were to intervene I would prefer it would be in the giving aid and opening our gates to the refugees, not ending more lives.

DON'T be Silent

Leigha Cabrera

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Things that make you go hmmm.

Tonight my son got out of bed and came to the kitchen rubbing the sleep from his eyes and asking for a small snack. I obliged and got him a small bowl of cereal. He ate it quietly on my lap and drank some water while we cuddled. As I sang him back to sleep I realized how much I miss rocking him in the rocking chair while I gave him his bottle (I nursed for nine months then I just couldn't keep up). I remember sitting in that rocking chair with him and praying for him as I held him to my heart while he slept. I almost always fell asleep and woke up when my daughter would come in and ask when I was going to put her and her sister to bed. Oh the small things. :) Don't worry I was never out for long and his bedtime was an hour before the girls so I had plenty of time for them.

It's those small things that seem insignificant in our lives that touch us the deepest. In retrospect I can't believe how much I miss that half hour to forty five minutes of time that was just me and my little guy. This little man who is exactly like my husband in every single way. They both laugh and smile the same and I just LOVE it. Then my son will give me looks like his oldest sister and my heart leaps with joy to see the sibling similarities.

He is a rough and tumble kind of kid, just like daddy, but inside he needs to be held and cuddled and hugged and kissed (just like daddy). He loves one on one time and follows his daddy around like the most precious puppy that ever existed. I wasn't expecting him. He was my surprise pregnancy, but it is the absolute best surprise in my entire life. His sisters were both planned, but in one day BOOM everything was different. I needed him. I needed his silliness and how he tickles you to apologize then flashes his perfect little smile that makes you melt. I needed his stubbornness and how he mimics my "no no" and "ah ah ah" when he doesn't want you to take away the cell phone he's been playing on for an hour.

Yes, my son is one of a kind. He'll dance to music and pass a soccer ball just to get your attention for a moment. It's these small and amazing things that are easy to miss, but important to recognize. Thank you Lord for my son. I don't want my life any other way! I just can't believe he'll be three soon.

Please note my son asked me to shave his head like his daddy's. When I did I got the most interesting surprise when I realized he and daddy have the same bumps and same head shape! I love it!!!